"A leading company of High-tech engineering"

Global cutting-edge technology, where the start

Ecoset management is proud that it has been able to contribute to the development of the national industry since the 1970s, as large companies and mid-sized companies have specialized in manufacturing water treatment machines and switchboards in the electric field.

In particular, based on the experience accumulated in Hyundai Heavy Industries and the experience of establishing Hyorim Industrial Co., Ltd., a mid-sized company specializing in water treatment equipment, and working as a shareholder and CEO, the CEO of our company worked with a management team with more than 30 years of know-how. Excellent young talents are striving for continuous research and development, acquiring numerous patents, new technologies for each product, performance certification, and joint trademarks for excellent procurement, securing the largest market share in Korea, and based on this, Title 22 verification in California And NSF, DVGW, CE certification, and other various certifications, and are striving to export.

Our executives and employees promise to contribute to improving the human life environment and improving the quality of life by developing the world's only technology and spreading it to the global market with a united strength.

Ecoset leading the technology

Ecoset promises to contribute to improving the environment and improving the quality of life by developing the world's only technology and disseminating it widely in the global market.

Differentiated Unique Technology to readers Market building

Stable & Reliable solution offering

Continuous R&D talent and development by investing in the best technology

Differentiated Unique Technology to readers Market building

Business Areas

Municipal part

Sewage Water Treatment Plant, Water Purification Plant / Small and Medium-sized Drinking Water Treatment / Strm Water, Recycled Water, Industrial Water / Rainwater Pump Plant / Water Purification Plant Water Intake Facility

Industrial part

Ship ballast water facilities (BWTs) / Semiconductor, electronics, LCD, and other industries for ultra-pure water production / Beer, food, beverages, syrup, etc.

Commercial part

Building/Water Plants 등

Residential part

Swimming pool / spa, etc.

Power plant part (Intake facility)

Thermal power plant / nuclear power plant / seawater desalination facility / LNG receiving base