산화탈수와 일체형 건조 및 ORC 발전을 이용한 저에너지형 슬러지 건조 연료화장치 기술개발 (2015년)

저에너지형 슬러지 탈수건조 복합처리기술 (2007년)


  • Integrating the dehydrator and dryer into one filter press (no separate dryer is required except for attached facilities)
  • Drying method that realizes high-efficiency energy using hot water and vacuum (use water of 90℃ or less)
  • Selectable “Draining” or “Draining + Drying” mode (operation mode can be selected during operation)
  • High pressure dehydration (15kg/cm2 compression pressure) and fully automated continuous operation function
  • Control of moisture content of sludge cake is possible (adjustment of moisture content through control of drying time)
  • Reduced process time


  • Solid-liquid separation process for the production of drinking water, sewage, various industrial wastewater, and raw materials

Composition of dehydration and drying complex treatment technology

  • MMI & Control Panel
  • Dehydration and Combination Filter Press Body
  • Drying and other Auxiliary Facilities